We appreciate all your research and tributes of LeoniansTV personality and foodie Anthony Bourdain grew up in Leonia and former NBA coach Phil Jackson raised his family here, as did M*A*S*H star Alan Alda. I Grew Up in Leonia, NJ - FacebookWhat's your Leonia connection? Request to join our group if you have lived, gone to school, or worked in Leonia, or if you've been affiliated with the town through family ties or the borough's civic. Today Steve Boyer, class of '76, lost his battle with cancer. . Bogota Basketball: Bogota players Lee Griffith and Frank Beyersdorfer. He sold the restaurant, but didn’t give up on cooking. Some non-school things I remember about Leonia - 1950 - 1960 Roller Rink, Ice Skating on pond with fire burning, Girl Scout house, Park where we played games, Golf Course where we made out, ice. Playing every possible sport in fireman's park. Topics. This publication for NYC area has treasure trove of historical Info / Real Estate. Steve you will be missed. The owner and employees are great. Boggia, MSW, LCSW, age 77, died on August 17, 2022. . I Grew Up in Leonia, NJ. Events. [1] During the late 1980s under the stage name Al B. Season 10 Episode 9 & S7Ep5Broad Avenue, mid 1980s. 744 members. Discussion. Playing every possible sport in fireman's park. . The first house I lived in was 403 Charles Place, Leonia. “I had a Yiddish-speaking grandmother at home who had a subscription to the Forverts. . I grew up in Leonia and my Chief passed away. Our high school track. With all the ACS memories of late, I wanted to share these photos. She is on the right side of the. Paul was the third oldest of the 10. I Grew Up in Leonia, NJ | Growing up in Leonia, New Jersey, one would find it hard not to be influenced by the professional and creative atmosphere. Grads will also gather informally. When you weren't shopping at the Co-op or Acme. . I Grew Up in Leonia, NJ | A New Year's Eve Memories of Leonia thread, maybeSO sorry to announce that life-long Leonia resident BERNICE KENNELLY, died yesterday. I Grew Up in Leonia, NJ | My mom, Raquel Grinberg, died Friday, 7/31/20It is with great sadness that I regret to inform everyone that my former neighbor Arnold Davenport has been in the hospital with Covid on a ventilator for approximately a month. More. The borough is a suburb of New York City located near the western approach to the George Washington Bridge. I Grew Up in Leonia, NJKevin, one might say, is officially the unofficial photographer of Leonia. This is from April 3, 1933. of his life and I grew up in Leonia as well. I knew a Bruce Stark at LHS who was a senior (1951) while I was in. June 20, 2014. . I Grew Up in Leonia, NJ | Hey folks!Here are several miscellaneous images of Broad Avenue taken from the steps of 329 Broad (Jersey Camera) in the early 80s. . This is a photo of a cross stitch sampler, identical to the one which hung on the wall of the front porch of our home in Leonia. I Grew Up in Leonia, NJWho remembers Freedomland? I loved that place. Discussion. . The family moved to Leonia in July, 1953. Honored to be included in her. . I Grew Up in Leonia, NJ | A collection of historical places drawn by local artists was sold by the LBC (Leonia Bicentennial Commission), and I just came across this. It really does!A few years back my family and I were in Leonia over the summer, and I made Brian. . Congrats to my bother Evan Williams on his induction to the Polish American Sports Hall of Fame. I grew up inleonia afriend gave me lhs year books from 1944 1945 is there a historian or should i give them 2 the library semi mint conditionI Grew Up in Leonia, NJ - FacebookI ran across an interesting illustration in Pinterest that was done by Bruce Stark. What's your Leonia connection? Request to join our group if you have lived, gone to school, or worked in Leonia, or if you've been affiliated with the town through family ties or the borough's civic. . There will again be an LHS Leonia and Edgewater Alumni Reunion for all classes this year at the Leonia Day Festival on Sunday, May 15, from 12-4 pm in Wood Park. . Nice turnout at Leonia’s Leonia PRIDE 2022 event! I support my #lgbtq neighbors and friends! #lgbtqally I Grew Up in Leonia, NJ | Nice turnout at Leonia’s Leonia PRIDE 2022 eventLeonia is a borough in Bergen County, in the U. We were the last class in 76’. Lots of memories from growing up in leonia. Many of our neighbors in Bergen County are experiencing food insecurity, and Center for Food. Featured. state of New Jersey. Leonia, NJ | HomePhilip Kohl (LHS 1971) passed away per comment from classmate in different IGUIL posting: "Sad news to report. I Grew Up in Leonia, NJThis is a not well known but totally true story about awesome Leonia's Wood Park. . So I am posting it again. @cafe_mignon_leonia[From "Preserving Leonia's Art Heritage," the volunteer group that has taken on the task of caring for the significant collection of artwork owned by Leonia's public schools, most of which hung. I Grew Up in Leonia, NJ | There will again be an LHS Leonia and Edgewater Alumni Reunion for all classes this year at the Leonia Day Festival on. Ann B Davis "Alice" from Brady Bunch I believe her twin sister lived in Leonia ? Saw her in Joes Subs !!Leonia Memorial Day 1970: Grand Marshall **HORACE G OLIVER (Sr)**. William Eldon Hart Trauth was born December 2, 1915 in Leonia, New Jersey. com I Grew Up in Leonia, NJ | If any former Leonia female athletes plan on attending the event and would love to share a similar profile on our social media, please email me. “At the time WE came to Leonia,” Nancy recalls, “there were only 2 other houses on our. Plus a photo of a slightly expanded version. Current Resident; Jan 20 2021; Overall Experience; Report. " :) Tonight, Robert will officially become the Grand Knight of Carmel Council #8982, the Knights of Columbus Chapter. Some of you may. He is a member of the Leonia Presbyterian Church and Rotary of the Palisades. He was also a member of the Leonia FD for several years. Discussion. What's your Leonia connection? Request to join our group if you have lived, gone to school, or worked in Leonia, or if you've been affiliated with the town through family ties or the borough's civic. I grew up in Leonia, but my grandmother lived in RP on Overpeck Ave. . Hi all, I’m so excited to chat about my next documentary film with the Rotary Club of The Palisades tomorrow. . I Grew Up in Leonia, NJDear Leonia friends - It is with great sadness that I report that my cousin Nancy Kurz Wood passed away last Tuesday of a stroke in the UK, her long time home. “We would go into the space in the morning, prepare a bunch of meals, put them out in a refrigerator, and gym patrons would come in and pick up what they wanted,” he recalled. How many of you remember Leonia Memorial Day parades where you rode your bike decorated with red/white/blue crepe paper streamers?I grew up in Leonia, NJ. Lots of memories from growing up in leonia. In. Does anyone else remember when the Co-oP shared the same building with the Safeway? I vaguely remember it from ACS kindergarten; 1954. you might be amused to know that waaaay back in 2007 when I was on the. . . " Artists who lived in Leonia include Robert. Topics. He grew up in Leonia where he continued to spend much of his adult life, maintaining his family home and taking care of his mother until her passing. Paul was a basketball star and stand out at Leonia High School during the 1960s. . What's your Leonia connection? Request to join our group if you have lived, gone to school, or worked in Leonia, or if you've been affiliated with the town through family ties or the borough's civic. . I Grew Up in Leonia, NJ | Take a four-minute time travel trip thru. Come down help another Leonia Scout to advance to the rank Eagle Scout. . The rest as they say, “is history. . . I Grew Up in Leonia, NJ | Visiting my sister Ellen Sherman Schwartz who was in the class of 1958, she showed me these three reunion group pictures of her classDoes anyone remember when the police and firemen would play a softball game against each other in Wood Park? And watching the basketball games at night. For instance, in 1890 land owners began marketing plots in Leonia to professors at nearby Columbia University . I am happy to announce that SUSAN & PETE SHANNO, both of whom "Grew Up In Leonia," are among the local volunteers that will be honored at the KNIGHT OF COLUMBUS Breakfast on Sunday, April 2nd, at. Topics. Jackie has been a yoga instructor for almost a decade. . The desire to make art came to me in mid-life. He volunteers for CoFiA (Community of Friends in Action) and the Center for Food Action, and for the past 38. When asked repeatedly by Thomas Metzdorf to take down the photo he had posted. Check it out. . . You Know You Grew Up In Leonia When - FacebookMedia. Here are some of my favorite and lesser-known old Bergen County haunts that I still frequent when I am visiting with my parents! Allison G. I think the current discussions present a critical tipping point in our town's history and merits further critical attention, especially in a group meant for people who have Leonia as a shared. The borough was formed during the "boroughitis". . . I Grew Up in Leonia, NJ | Whatever happened to Betsy Law | Facebook. About. Discussion. Collard. Bourdain was born in New York City on June 25, 1956, but grew up in Leonia and summered at the Jersey Shore. Discussion. Later, he moved to the Linwood apartments in. Her mother was the librarian at Leonia High School. I Grew Up in Leonia, NJ | Although all four of us Delmar kids moved away from Leonia decades ago (I left for NYC in 1975, in California since 1979. 3. . Shedd’s iconic house at Broad Avenue and Christie Heights Street with lightning speed. Looking for. WeimerI am incredibly proud to say that I grew up in Leonia and I just wanted to celebrate a few things since we are all navigating uncertain times together. It's not much more than the M & M General store, a church, a cemetery, and. On June 24, Presbyterian Church in Leonia will distribute food (a box of healthy staples, a box of. 2K members. We did the Hully Gully, Fox Trot, Cha Cha and others. . You had a question about the barrels and roping off the area that had thin ice. I Grew Up in Leonia, NJ - FacebookI Grew Up in Leonia, NJ - FacebookAMERICAN LEGION POST #1, LEONIA, NJ will be holding its annual POW/MIA Vigil on Saturday, September 18, 2021 from 7:00am to 7:00pm in an effort to bring the plight of our POW/MIA’s and their families. . TV "Homeless Guy" grew up in Leonia. 2K members. Discussion. I Grew Up in Leonia, NJ - FacebookIn response to a request for the recording of "Pippi Longstockimg, the Musical," the class play for Doris Butz's fifth-grade class in 1958: Miss Butz. So I went. . & Reldyes Ave. I Grew Up in Leonia, NJMy children always took school buses to school. Sol Epstein, who founded the Leonia Table Tennis Club at the recreation center with then recreation commissioner Eli Krakower 30 years ago, turned 95. 4K members. I think the 64/65 World’s Fair put it out of business. . The sandwich’s are named after streets in Leonia. Request to join our group if you have lived, gone to school, or worked in Leonia, or if you've been affiliated with the town through family ties or the borough's civic. I Grew Up in Leonia, NJ | George owned Center Wines and Liquors on Broad Avenue which was destroyed when Mascia's Deli burned about 1985-86I Grew Up in Leonia, NJ - FacebookSpotted near the intersection of Paulin Blvd. Join Facebook to connect with Irene Sarich and others you may know. I Grew Up in Leonia, NJ | [From "Preserving Leonia's Art Heritage," the volunteer group that has taken on the task of caring for the significant. Irene Scherer Thompson died yesterday, age 80, LHS class of 1954. Events. . Braun grew up in a multigenerational, multilingual household that moved to Leonia from Washington Heights when he was 3 years old. I Grew Up in Leonia, NJ | Mrs. About the 8am hour the announcer came on and began honoring a listener who he said was driving to work for her. For this reason Leonia is sometimes referred to as "the Athens of New Jersey". He was one of 10 children, raised by their mother who was widowed at age 40. you might be amused to know that waaaay back in 2007 when I was on the. Mr. Events. I Grew Up in Leonia, NJ | Long-time Leonian, Jeanne Ayers Dimmit, died peacefully this afternoon in Wall, NJThis is a not well known but totally true story about awesome Leonia's Wood Park. Though the Borough of Leonia is only one and a half square. This month, I am going to meet my elementary school friend - Ellen DeGennaro. Kathleen (Kate) Clark is a nationally renowned playwright whose plays have been produced in New York, off-Broadway and across the U. 3. I Grew Up in Leonia, NJ - FacebookMy daughter found this today. 9). I Grew Up in Leonia, NJ | Some non-school things I remember about Leonia - 1950 - 1960 Roller Rink, Ice Skating on pond with fire burning, Girl Scout. In today’s Washington Post. all three of. Halsey is ready for her homecoming. Beautiful memories. I was perusing a local (Sussex County, NJ) free paper today, Advertiser-News North, when I came across an article entitled, "Peter Karp and the Roadshow. I Grew Up in Leonia, NJ | [From "Preserving Leonia's Art Heritage," the volunteer group that has taken on the task of caring for the significant.